Commercial & Industrial Painting – Columbus, OH

Modern Painting & Coatings

Commercial building painted by Modern Painting


We’re seamless with other trades to finish on time, spec, and budget.

Modern Painting worker pressure washing


A preferred painting contractor for ​Owens-Corning, we know safety.

Multi-tenant building that Modern Painting painted


We understand the unique needs of property managers.​

Modern Painting worker sand blasting an industrial pipe


We remove decades of paint with shot, sand, soda, or dry ice.

Modern Painting worker on lift power washing building

Power Washing

Powerful hot/cold pressure washers yield impressively fast results.

Pool that Modern Painting and Coatings has refinished

Pool Painting

We blast, repair, seal & paint so you can teach, swim, and relax.

We work seamlessly with other trades to complete your project on time and on budget.

Jobsites can be chaotic. If you run a business in this competitive market, you know that details matter. As third-generation painting contractors, our reputation is built on it.

About  ・  Safety  ・  Contact

Our precision, our respect for timelines, and our outstanding safety record have sustained us while other painting contractors have sold to conglomerates or folded.


Employing our own team enables quality, procedural, and safety controls.


“I promise your satisfaction” – Jim Lough, Owner



We’re Hazmat certified; corrosion, old coatings, runoff, abated waste and vapors get discarded properly.


We are partners with EPA, OSHA, coating, and equipment developers. We mandate ongoing training.

You’re in good company

A few client logos